9 Super Cute Tech-Savvy Cats

9 Super Cute Tech-Savvy Cats 2025


Cats seem to have an uncanny knack of finding warm places and curling up next to a computer seems to be no exception!
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1. “Damn, I just got outbid on eBay.”

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2. “www.kittydate.com. I think I’m in love!”

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3. “Hmm…how do you spell mouse again?”

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4. “Okay hang on, I’m just updating my Facebook status.”

cat using computer

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5. “This ain’t a mouse. Where is the mouse?”

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6. “Aahhh… Control-Alt-Snooze!”

cat sleeping on computer
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7. “No, my name starts with N… N for naughty.”

bengal cat computer keyboard
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8. “So, shall I activate the furwall?”

cat at keyboard
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9. “I’ve deleted all your files, haven’t I?”

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9 Super Cute Tech-Savvy Cats
9 Super Cute Tech-Savvy Cats