4 Ways To Choose The Perfect Cat Sitter
4 Ways To Choose The Perfect Cat Sitter 2025
1. Pick someone you really trust
Think about people you would trust with your cat and your home. In other words, don’t pick someone who is irresponsible – no matter how nice they are! You will want someone who will remember all the rules about feeding and caring for your pet, but also can be trusted to respect and care for your property.
2. Pick someone who has a good relationship with your cat
Make a list of trustworthy friends and family members and cross off the ones who aren’t that keen on cats. In addition, remove the people that your cat just doesn’t like. Your pet might be a little nervous when you’re out of town, and a friendly, familiar face will make things a lot easier. If your pet is a relatively new addition and you haven’t really had time to introduce the cat to many of the people in your life, start inviting likely candidates over to your house and try to judge which ones gain your cat’s sincere approval.
3. Pick someone with experience
In addition to being trustworthy and having a good relationship with your pet, the perfect cat sitter will also have a decent amount of experience with cats. After all, you will want someone who can tell if your cat is feeling ill and who will naturally be able to read their signals. This aspect of cat sitting is particularly important if you have an elderly cat or one that requires daily medication. If you don’t know an appropriate person who has experience with cats, planning ahead can allow you to impart some important wisdom in the weeks before the cat sitting begins.
4. Pick someone with spare time
Finally, it’s worth thinking about whether your cat sitter will have time to keep your cat entertained. If you have a cuddly cat then your sitter needs to provide affection, and most cats want to engage in play even if they don’t particularly enjoy sitting on laps. So that your pet doesn’t feel too lonely or bored while you’re away, make sure you choose a cat sitter who will actually be around your house for at least thirty minutes each day.
Following these guidelines, you are bound to find the perfect cat sitter which will make both yours and your cat’s time apart stress-free!