10 September Libra Typical Traits & Characteristics • Astrologify
10 September Libra Typical Traits & Characteristics • Astrologify
What is a September Libra’s personality? September Libras have stereotypical Libra personalities. They have the most traits that are usually associated with this sign.
September Libras are your prototypical Libras. They are balanced, romantic, and relationship-oriented. They are peacemakers and mediators, but they’re also people-pleasers.
September Libras are born in the first decan of the sign. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is Libra’s planetary ruler. It is also the subruler of the first decan.
Libras born in September feel the full influence of the planet Venus. This influence makes them romantic, relationship-oriented, flirtatious, and charming. You can see the impact of Venus on them.
September Libras are also very balanced. They try to be as diplomatic as possible and make great peacemakers. They can also be people-pleasers, and it’s common for them to become codependent in their relationships.
1. Diplomatic
What is a September Libra like? They tend to be incredibly diplomatic. Some of them go into careers in diplomacy, while others know how to deal with difficult situations or interpersonal issues diplomatically.
A September Libra knows how to say something in a direct but inoffensive way. They don’t want to step on anyone’s toes. They’re careful and mindful of everything they say.
September Libras know how to give their opinions without alienating anyone. They don’t talk in circles or make vague statements, but they do say things in a way that doesn’t leave room for argument.
A September Libra might offer criticism, but they’ll do so in an inoffensive way. If you want an honest, direct, and kind opinion, go to a September Libra. They’ll say what needs to be said without being rude.
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2. Charming
Being charming is a common September Libra trait. September Libras are easy to talk to. They know how to focus on people and make them feel like they’re the only ones in the room.
It’s easy for a September Libra to charm the people around them. They tend to be good at making direct eye contact, smiling, and at least acting like they’re engaged in what someone is saying to them.
September Libras make the people around them feel good. Many are genuinely good listeners, which adds to their charm! It feels nice to know someone actively listens to what you’re telling them.
September Libras are friendly and likable. Many can get along with nearly anyone, even people drastically different from them. Because of this, they usually have many friends, even if they aren’t all close friends.
3. Balanced
The September Libra personality is all about balance. The sign of Libra as a whole deals with balance, and this is a stereotypical Libra trait that you’ll see in these Libras.
September Libras try to be balanced in everything that they do. The art they create is very symmetrical and balanced. They try to dress in a way that makes them appear more balanced.
Their love of balance comes through in their aesthetic choices, how they make decisions, and how they look at the world as a whole. September Libras need balance in their lives, or they become stressed and overwhelmed.
Harmony is something September Libras strive for too. Their need for balance comes through when they try to make things more fair and work toward having an equal relationship with their romantic partners.
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4. Romantic
Being romantic is a common September Libra characteristic. September Libras are all about love and romance! They love to woo people and be wooed in return.
September Libras love to be in love. They enjoy planning romantic dates and making grand romantic gestures for their partners. Their charming nature helps them to woo the people they date, too.
A September Libra is the type of person to plan a candlelit dinner or take you stargazing. The way they express love can be a little over-the-top sometimes, but they genuinely want to be romantic and sweet.
If you’re dating a September Libra, they might read poetry or play romantic music while you two are hanging out. They’ll try to set the mood whenever you’re together. They’ll go out of their way to show they care.
5. Peacemakers
Their ability to keep the peace between people is a positive September Libra trait. September Libras know how to calm people down and solve interpersonal issues. They always do their best to come up with solutions that will benefit everyone too.
September Libras know how to create peaceful, harmonious environments. If you ever have an argument around your September Libra friend, they’ll know exactly how to dissolve it and make everyone happy.
Some September Libras have jobs that involve peacemaking and mediation. They know how to intervene in even the toughest of disputes and resolve them in a way that will make all parties happy.
September Libras can go a little too far with this, though. They might make sacrifices or hide their genuine opinions to keep the peace with loved ones instead of standing up for themselves.
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6. People-pleasers
When you look at a September Libra vs an October Libra, one of the key differences is that September Libras are people-pleasers, while October Libras are more rebellious and aren’t afraid to step on a few toes.
September Libras are notorious people-pleasers. On the surface, this may not seem like a bad trait! They are kind, pleasant, and good at keeping people happy.
That often comes at the cost of their happiness, though. A September Libra will make sacrifices in their relationship to keep their partner happy. They won’t stand up for themselves and may even put aside their values and other important things.
September Libras don’t know how to say no to people, especially the ones they love. If you ask for a favor from your September Libra friend or partner, they will likely say yes, even if they genuinely are too busy to help you.
7. Relationship-oriented
Being relationship-oriented is a fundamental Libra trait. Libras are concerned with all sorts of partnerships, not just romantic relationships. September Libras tend to be especially relationship-minded compared to October Libras.
A relationship-minded September Libra is probably always in a relationship. Combined with their love of love itself, their relationship-oriented nature means that many September Libras have trouble being single.
September Libras value their relationships but sometimes stay in relationships just because they don’t want to be alone. Some of them also neglect friendships because they’re too focused on their romantic relationships.
A September Libra genuinely wants their relationships to work. They are willing to make an effort to keep their partners happy, even if their partners don’t always do the same in return.
Many September Libras need to learn how to stand up for themselves or how to be happy being single.
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8. Codependent
Of all the types of Libra, September Libras are the most likely to become codependent in their relationships. These Libras need to be in a relationship, and they often give too much and make too many sacrifices for the people they love.
A codependent September Libra will likely end up in many dysfunctional relationships. They often enable their partners. They look past their issues and bad habits instead of addressing them.
September Libra often give and give in their relationships, even if they don’t receive anything in return. This is true of their romantic relationships, but it can also happen in friendships.
If you’re with a codependent September Libra, they will focus on your needs over their own. While that may seem like a good thing, it isn’t when they completely neglect their own needs or do everything for their partner while getting nothing in return.
9. Idealistic
One of the differences between September Libras and October Libras is a September Libra’s idealism. October Libras are more logical and grounded in reality than September Libras.
September Libras tend to idealize relationships in particular. They have an idea of what a perfect relationship should look like, and they often end up disappointed when their relationships aren’t like that.
A September Libra might idealize the people in their lives, too. They might consider their partner perfect and flawless, even though that’s not the case. They sometimes look past red flags because they want things to be perfect.
An idealistic September Libra wants to look on the bright side, but they go a little too far sometimes. They need to learn how to be more realistic and see things as they actually are, not how they want them to be.
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10. Flirtatious
September Libras are flirty! They have flirtatious personalities and sometimes seem like they’re flirting even if they’re trying to be friendly.
When they are intentionally flirting, September Libras know how to up the charm. They use a lot of praise and compliments while flirting with people. They show interest in the things the person they’re flirting with is interested in and know how to make them feel good.
While there isn’t usually anything wrong with being flirtatious, this can be seen as a negative September Libra trait. Not everyone appreciates how flirtatious September Libras can be.
Some September Libras flirt for fun and may flirt with people outside their relationships. This trait can give them a bad rap as potential cheaters, even though they’re usually loyal in relationships. They sometimes need to learn how to tone down the flirting.