10 Libra Negative Traits • Astrologify
10 Libra Negative Traits • Astrologify
Libra’s negative traits complicate their relationships. Libra is an idealistic and optimistic sign.
However, people born under this sign have negative traits that can undermine them. Libra tries to hide their dark side.
Libra has many positive qualities that attract others. You may fall head over heels for this sign before noticing negative qualities.
People born under this sign hide their dark side initially. When you get to know Libra, you see they are complicated.
They have a paradoxical nature, being peaceful and loving but also superficial and elitist.
1. Jealousy
Libra has a jealous side and can be possessive when they like someone. Though this sign can be peaceful and harmonious, they are also territorial. Libra can be insecure.
They strive to hide their fears of abandonment, but this sign suffers from a deep nagging feeling they may not be good enough. Libra can be social but becomes jealous if their partner pays attention to someone else.
Libra can be sensitive. They strive to downplay their jealousy to avoid conflict. But people born under this sign can be possessive and defensive if they feel abandoned.
Libra’s positive traits mask their dark side. You may not realize how jealous this sign can be when you first meet them. Libra disguises their jealousy because they want to seem perfect.
When you weigh Libra’s positive and negative traits, this sign can be charming and endearing. Libra can be fascinating and hide their negative traits behind a friendly exterior.
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2. Indecisiveness
The sign of the scales is notorious for being indecisive. Libra has a flexible nature. Their personality is adaptive, and they try to see each side of an issue.
Libra can be indecisive and frustrate others by changing their minds constantly. They don’t want to be responsible for the outcomes of their actions.
Libra is known for changing their minds every time they get new information. They weigh options and can be prone to being wishy-washy. Libra wants to be right about everything but can change their minds frequently.
Are Libras dangerous when mad? People born under this sign are confusing but seldom dangerous. They don’t mean anyone harm. Yet they can be indecisive and flaky, frustrating the people close to them.
3. They’re Catty
Libra can be social, but the dark side of this sign shows in their tendency to be catty. They get distracted by petty quarrels. Their desire for excitement and attention can lead Libra to get involved in gossip.
Libra wants to be on the inside circle. They are talkative and use information to get attention from others. When Libra wants to prove they are knowledgeable and connected, they can become catty.
Libra doesn’t like confrontation. They can be passive-aggressive. This sign uses their catty nature to get back at people who upset them. They keep their gossipy side hidden initially.
Why is Libra dangerous for your self-esteem? This sign can bring you down if they don’t like you. They are charming. No one questions their motives when they gossip about you.
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4. They’re Superficial
Libra can be a humanitarian who is attracted to social causes. They seek justice and can see the connection between various issues. Yet this sign is surprisingly superficial.
As an air sign, they enjoy learning surface information about issues without delving into deeper levels. They avoid getting emotional. Libra can be superficial and attracted to looks and surface issues.
They are image-conscious. Libra can be beautiful and artistic, but they can give too much credibility to appearances. Libra emphasizes looks and images.
They are attracted to people based on surface qualities initially. Though Libra can be deep thinkers, they avoid emotions and may gloss over challenging issues because they want harmony, not conflict.
5. They’re Passive
Libra can be advocates for people they care about. But this sign is also known for being passive. They prefer taking the easy way out of challenges and can be carefree.
Their go-with-the-flow personality attracts others but can also be frustrating. Libra doesn’t like to challenge themselves. They can be eager to skate over conflict and keep the peace.
Libra ignores red flags in relationships because they don’t want to cause tension. They can be protective of others and try too hard to maintain harmony.
Libra is gentle and caring. They don’t want to rock the boat and can be sensitive and cautious. They avoid offending anyone and can be placating. Their passive nature can lead them to become resentful over time.
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6. They’re Judgmental
Libra is friendly and polite. They give the appearance of being unconditionally loving and accepting. But this sign has a secret judgmental side that emerges when you get to know them.
Libra is analytical and can be judgmental because they are perfectionists. They are focused on image and idealism. If someone doesn’t live up to their expectations, Libra can be disappointed.
They are known for harboring secret judgments they occasionally express to others. Libra wants to be with people who share their perspectives and can be self-righteous.
One of Leo’s negative traits is their egotistical nature. Leo and Libra in relationships can be a power couple. But they can also bring out the worst in each other if they become petty.
Libra’s negative traits for a man can be their judgmental nature. They see themselves as classier than others. They are interested in equality but also approach others as charity at times.
7. They’re Elitists
Libra people are elitists. They are focused on justice and fairness but have an intellectual side that makes Libra feel a step ahead of others. If you aren’t as cultured and knowledgeable, Libra may have an attitude with you.
Libra prefers conversations with people who appreciate their love of the arts and music. They value education and are well-read. Libra doesn’t realize how elitist they are.
They can presume anyone who doesn’t share their interest in the fine arts, theater, and literature to be dull. Libra has the potential to be snobby when discussing their interest in the humanities.
Libra Rising’s negative traits can distract from their charming side. They are attractive initially, but their difficult side can make people reconsider relationships with this sign.
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8. They’re Lazy
Libra is a passive sign that prefers to enjoy life’s pleasures. They can be lazy and show little motivation to push themselves. Libra takes the path of least resistance.
They expend energy to keep their home or office clean and charming, but Libra is lazy when it comes to tasks that don’t appeal to them. Libra can be charming and talk their way out of hardships.
Libra has a complacent side. They opt for the easiest way out of a challenge. Libra wants life to be comfortable. They don’t push themselves and can be lackadaisical.
If you wonder why Libras are the worst leaders, they are reluctant to take initiative. They want to be secure and fear making the wrong decisions. Libra can be unreliable.
9. They’re Needy
Libra hides their emotional nature, but they can be clingy in relationships. They want a partner to take care of them. They want to be around friends and loved ones who protect and look out for them.
Libra can be needy in relationships. They are high-maintenance and hard to please. Libra needs reassurance and comfort in relationships. They hate being alone and prefer being with a partner.
Libra stays with a toxic partner rather than being on their own. They can be needy and indecisive. Libra leans on their partner for validation. They rely on others to help them make decisions.
Libra doesn’t trust themselves. They want to be with a partner so they have support and encouragement. They need someone to help reassure them they are making the best choices.
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10. They’re Hot & Cold
Libras aren’t just indecisive, they are notorious for running hot and cold in relationships. They vacillate in relationships and procrastinate commitments.
Libra falls in love and wants to be with their partner, but they panic when facing the prospect of settling down. They don’t want to commit to others and become distant when a relationship is serious.
Libra is complicated in relationships. You may think a Libra is in love with you but when you show interest, this sign backs away. They vacillate between extremes several times before making decisions about relationships.
You may think you’ve lost your chance with a Libra when this sign goes cold. Give them time and Libra comes back. They have a hot and cold pattern in relationships that makes this sign challenging to understand.
The dark side of a Libra man in relationships emerges when he’s insecure. He backpedals and disappears. But when you think the relationship is over, he keeps coming back so you can’t move on.
Why are Libras difficult in relationships? They fear missing out and worry they will be smothered in relationships. Libra sends mixed signals and confuses potential love interests.